Closed Bug 897600 Opened 11 years ago Closed 10 years ago

[User Story] Sign In To Firefox on First Run


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::First Time Experience, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(blocking-b2g:-, feature-b2g:2.0)

1.4 S4 (28mar)
blocking-b2g -
feature-b2g 2.0


(Reporter: pdol, Assigned: borjasalguero)




(Keywords: feature, Whiteboard: [ucid:FxA10, 1.4:p2 ft:systems-fe][systemsfe][qa+][dependency:Marketplace])


(3 files, 7 obsolete files)

User Story:

As a user, I want to be able to set up a Firefox account or login using an existing Persona account during the First Run Experience so that I don’t need to do this when going to purchase an app in Marketplace (removes barrier to purchase). 

Acceptance Criteria:

1. During the First Run Experience, if I do not currently have a Firefox or Persona account, I can create one and I will be signed in using it which will take me to the next step in the First Run Experience.
2. During the First Run Experience, if I already have a Firefox or Persona account, I can log in using this account using my email address and password, after which I am taken me to the next step in the First Run Experience.
3. During the First Run Experience, if I already have a Firefox or Persona account, but I have forgotten the password, I am able to reset my password by having an email sent to me with a link to reset my password.  
4. Once my password is reset (using another device), I can enter my Firefox or Persona email/password and I am taken to the next step in the First Run Experience.
More acceptance criteria:
5. After completing the First Run step prior to the first account creation/sign in screen, if my device does not have data connectivity, the Sign In To Firefox is skipped, entirely, when I advance to the next screen.
6. If my device drops connectivity while in the process of creating an account/signing in, I am made aware the of the lack of connectivity and asked to sign in later through the Marketplace app or through Settings (assuming this is implemented) and am skipped to the next screen in the First Run.
Attached file First_Use_Sign-in_v0.9.pdf (obsolete) —
Wireframe attached. Note acceptance criteria 3 & 4 are not met.
(In reply to Francis Djabri [:djabber] from comment #2)
> Wireframe attached. Note acceptance criteria 3 & 4 are not met.

Please ignore acceptance criteria 3 & 4.  Password reset will not be considered during this flow at this time.
We are currently targeting this feature for v1.3
blocking-b2g: --- → 1.3?
Whiteboard: [ucid:System1] → [ucid:System1][systemsfe]
Attached patch WIP (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This WIP simple patch adds the Persona step to the FTU, with the following differences from the UX spec attached to the bug:

1- As the dev team agreed during the Oslo work week, the FTU page will be a Persona RP, which means that the Persona flow will not be completely integrated in the FTU UI and will look like a hosted flow (as it actually is). The main reasons to do this are: A. Technical issues.  B. The Persona flow is a remotely hosted one, which means that its load speed mostly depends on the network speed. If we provide an UI that looks like local content but we take several seconds to load it, we will be providing a bad UX IMHO. Instead, we need to provide feedback about the remote nature of the Persona flow. The situation is pretty similar to the Facebook authentication flow from the contacts import step, where we open an additional window to load the Facebook login flow.

2- The Persona step is placed right before the contacts import one. The reason for this change is that, in the future, contacts providers like Gmail or Facebook might be Persona RPs, so we might be able to consume the Persona login while doing the contacts import.
Assignee: nobody → ferjmoreno
Attached file Alternate Flow Versions for FTE (obsolete) —
No longer depends on: 920133
Attached file WIP update to FTE Flow (obsolete) —
Attached file WIP FxA Flow (Deprecates Previous) (obsolete) —
Attached file FTE_Sign_In_2013_30_10.pdf (obsolete) —
Flow showing sign in/create account flows + email verification.
Attachment #791025 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #812062 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #822285 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #823363 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #824722 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached file FTE Sign In v.10 10-30-2013 (obsolete) —
Fixes a few minor flow errors + typos in previous
Whiteboard: [ucid:System1][systemsfe] → [ucid:System1][systemsfe][qa+]
No longer depends on: 921344
No longer depends on: 932582
Flags: in-moztrap?(edwong)
All changes from v.10 are marked with giant red arrows and text.
Attachment #812034 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #824748 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Whiteboard: [ucid:System1][systemsfe][qa+] → [ucid:System1, ft:systems-fe][systemsfe][qa+]
Whiteboard: [ucid:System1, ft:systems-fe][systemsfe][qa+] → [ucid:FxA1, 1.4:p2 ft:systems-fe][systemsfe][qa+]
blocking-b2g: 1.3? → -
updated UCID to match backlog google doc.
Whiteboard: [ucid:FxA1, 1.4:p2 ft:systems-fe][systemsfe][qa+] → [ucid:FxA10, 1.4:p2 ft:systems-fe][systemsfe][qa+]
Assignee: ferjmoreno → nobody
Assignee: nobody → stomlinson
Attached file Pull request
Waiting to FxA Core landed to review this!
Attachment #8349945 - Flags: review?(borja.bugzilla)
Attachment #8349945 - Flags: feedback+
Shane, I've attached your PR as a patch to the bug! :). Please remember to do this when delivering your code! I've given you feedback +, and the review will wait until having FxA Module landed. THanks!
Marking as a duplicate of the new 1.4 bug 949063. Sam, feel free to reopen if I'm too quick on the trigger here.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Reopening to avoid having to resubmit review as mentioned by :borjasalguero[1].

Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---
Blocks: 941723
Hey Borja - What is blocking merging this patch in? Are we still waiting for a specific gecko patch to land?
Flags: needinfo?(borja.bugzilla)
Yep. There are some pending things that Im sorting out. I'll try to upload a patch today.
Flags: needinfo?(borja.bugzilla)
No longer depends on: 930471
Sounds great. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help (in case you're busy with other things)
Attached file Final patch
This final patch contains the great job done by Shane and Jared. I've merged some changes needed and udpated to pass all tests.
Now this functionality could be disabled by a setting.
Assignee: stomlinson → borja.bugzilla
Attachment #8378933 - Flags: review?(ferjmoreno)
Attachment #8378933 - Flags: feedback?(6a68)
Attachment #8378933 - Flags: review?(fernando.campo)
Comment on attachment 8378933 [details] [review]
Final patch

Moving the review due to Fernando is quite busy right now.
Attachment #8378933 - Flags: review?(fernando.campo) → review?(francisco.jordano)
Comment on attachment 8378933 [details] [review]
Final patch

Hi Borja,

Great job as always!

Despite that I like the idea of having some steps accepting settings, to enable them, don't like to refer always to the 'settings cache'.

Prefer to keep attributes with a meaning, that will increase readability a lot. i.e. for me is much more meaningful read |this.simMandatory| than |this.settingsCache['ftu.sim.mandatory']|, perhaps what we can do is keep that key on the steps, but apply a transformation, so 'ftu.sim.mandatory', end up in an attribute like |simMandatory| same for 'identity.fxaccounts.ui.enabled' could end up in |fxaccountsUiEnabled|.

Attachment #8378933 - Flags: review?(francisco.jordano)
Blocks: 974999
No longer blocks: 974999
Comment on attachment 8378933 [details] [review]
Final patch

Nice work, borja! Great to see you hacking on gaia again :-)

This code is still kinda unfamiliar, thanks for the f?, read it and looks good. Looks like you're on the review, but ping me if I can help with anything in particular.
Attachment #8378933 - Flags: feedback?(6a68) → feedback+
Attachment #8378933 - Flags: review?(ferjmoreno)
Flags: in-moztrap?(edwong)
Attachment #8378933 - Flags: review?(francisco.jordano)
Attachment #8349945 - Flags: review?(borja.bugzilla)
Attachment #8378933 - Flags: review?(ferjmoreno)
Comment on attachment 8378933 [details] [review]
Final patch

Thanks Borja! Make sure that Travis is happy with this patch before landing, please.
Attachment #8378933 - Flags: review?(ferjmoreno) → review+
Comment on attachment 8378933 [details] [review]
Final patch

Could you rebase?

So far I downloaded the branch by itself, tried and working for me.


An amazing job guys.
Attachment #8378933 - Flags: review?(francisco.jordano) → review+

R+. Travis shows 2 errors *NOT* related with this patch, due to this patch _only_ modifies FTU, and errors are related with Contacts and LockScreen.

Closed: 11 years ago10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 1.4 S4 (28mar)
(In reply to Borja Salguero [This week out of Gaia][:borjasalguero] from comment #30)
> e5d343543ff5b47c7d06c9a1713956585be5651c

I've noticed that this change introduces a new PNG file which doesn't appear to have been recompressed before inclusion. Please do so in a follow-up (or as part of this bug) using the script available in the gaia sources, you'll need the advancecomp and optipng packages installed on your machine. Example command from gaia's top-level directory:

./tools/ -v apps/communications/ftu/css/images/fxa_logo.png
Depends on: 993273
Whiteboard: [ucid:FxA10, 1.4:p2 ft:systems-fe][systemsfe][qa+] → [ucid:FxA10, 1.4:p2 ft:systems-fe][systemsfe][qa+][dependency:Marketplace]
Flags: in-moztrap?(npark)
MozTrap location:
Flags: in-moztrap?(npark) → in-moztrap+
Depends on: 1011611
feature-b2g: --- → 2.0
You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.


